Sunday, June 14, 2009

Making Money from Nothing in just 5 hours!

Business exercise started with the instruction to head towards Koregaon Park. We moved out of the SIMS building and took a right turn. After walking for a while and asking for lifts we (I along with my buddy)realized that we were wasting quite a lot time and started to walk taking shortest possible way. We walked for around 20 mints and reached to KP taking lifts from two lorries on the way.

As soon as we reached our destination we started hunting for jobs. Being Sunday many shops were closed and wasn’t expected to open till 12. We asked for jobs at few restaurants but many people had objection recruiting us because of restriction of revealing our identity. Many shops denied us jobs saying that they need to seek permission from their mangers and being Sunday they were out of reach. Shops those rejected us were like Adidas, CCD, Food Joints etc. After walking for like 1.5 KM we decided to head towards Fame Adlabs which could have fetched us money because of mass public present there. But most of the shops rejected us to take on account of mangers approval. We went on to ask for jobs in restraints around Fame Adlabs and managed to get one which was for few hours as long as we could clean their floor and dishes. We took almost two hours to clean floor and all the plates in the restraint and were given Rs 40 each for the task completed.

As soon as we were done with first task we decided to take up many small task which could have fetched us more money. Coming back to restaurants at KP we ended up landing at ABC park (Famous joint for food) where My buddy Lenold ended up meeting his friend which could have arranged us a guitar. Lenold being a proficient singer and guitarist we decided to work as free lancer. Asking people if they wanted us to entertain them and pay us whatever they felts like. We decided to go back again to Fame Adlabs to grab as many peoples attention as we could. While seeking permission from their management we realised that there was some misunderstanding between their senior managers and floor manger because Senior manger has allowed us to entertain people but floor manager declined our proposal. Now we decided to play music in restaurants at KP roads. Took lift from newspaper carrier. We reached Burger King where we had to negotiate for almost half and with manger to allow us to play the music and entertain people. We managed to grab attention of many people by playing guitar and singing songs of their request and demand.

We ended up making quite a lot of money of our target amount and headed towards German Bakery. There we didn’t had tough time to negotiate with manager to allow us play and we made decent amount in next 45 minutes. We were really happy to have gained little more than what we were asked for. We had almost 1 and half hours left with us and decided to go ahead for making some more money. On the we met seniors and offered them if they wanted us to perform. They readily accepted our offer and Lenold played one of his own creation while i entertained them with gestures and sign boards which had message” First Job.....Love U Guyz!!

After getting money from them we headed towards our meeting point of team “Post 91”. After reaching the destination little early We decided to give a last shot and asked our batch mates if they wanted us to perform for them. They readily agreed and we made quite a lot of money than required at the end of the day.

It was a great learning experience for me and my fellow buddy Lenold. We realised the importance of dedication and having right attitude towards ones Job.

I am sure i am not going to forget this moment for my life time........

Finally My Day ended with lalalalala........